Reflex (RFX) is now available on the automated liquidity protocol Uniswap. You can now swap (trade), or pool your RFX tokens to earn! RFX on Uniswap
Uniswap is available on Trust Wallet, so you can easily exchange RFX directly on Trust Wallet.
Swap / Trade RFX on Uniswap
Making a swap is similar to buying and selling. Just click here to open the RFX/ETH trading pair.Uniswap is available on Trust Wallet, so you can easily exchange RFX directly on Trust Wallet.
Make a pool to earn money!
To make a pool you need to have RFX tokens and counter-side assets (for example ETH). You can provide liquidity into the market pair RFX/ETH on Uniswap.
Just go to the RFX/ETH pair page and click on "Add liquidity".
By adding liquidity you earn 0.3% of all trades proportional to your share of the pool. The fees are distributed according to each liquidity provider’s share of the pool. Fees are added to the pool, in real-time, and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity.